UK politics.

For the first time since 1695 a sitting Speaker of the House of Commons has been forced to resign.Michael Martin,a Scotish Labour Party MP,has been heavily criticised for his role in the ongoing MP's"expenses"row.He will also resign as a Member of Parliament.We will 'wait and see'if this move 'restores faith'in the British political system...

Good morning

I could not understand your abobe comment beccause of my poor English before getting to watching a news about UK politics on TV today(probably、サンデーモーニング).
Anyway、 I was suprised that UK has been having the House of Commons since over three hundred years ago, and politicians in UK are same to politicians in Japan、too.
I hope politicians do not use tax for themselves, but only for people of their nations.

yohichi、your student
Posted by yohichi at 2009年05月24日 12:34


UK politics.